Hi I'm DASPELLER4, a 17 year old developer from the UK, and this is my homepage
with my websites and other programs in my portfolio!

Dedoid.Chat - Simple 5 day challenge to make a chat platform
Dedoid is a joke chat platform I made as a joke and challenge, it uses WebSockets to establish channels between users, with messages updating dynamically and quickly. The name is meaningless and an inside joke amongst friends. Dedoid is written in bun, meaning that despite being run in a VM it should handle a fair few groups fine in the case you do want to use dedoid.
dUI - My GUI library for x11
dUI is a C library for creating simple and minimal GUIs inside x11. dUI supports creating buttons, text inputs and text elements. dUI is still techincally a work in progress but I have stopped working on it for the time being due to my A-Level Computer Science NEA (while on the topic of the NEA, this will be on github later this/next year and will be hosted on daspeller4.xyz)
dRive - My self hosted file hosting platform! (click the flashing link to access dRive)
dRive allows users to manage, share, upload and download files. It has been designed so that any host of dRive can just run a script and have a perfectly functional instance of dRive running for all of their users to use. The instance of dRive on daspeller4.xyz/drive and the rest of this website is hosted on an old laptop with an external HDD. The image for dRive here is hosted on dRive itself!
dEngine - My TUI C Game Engine
dEngine is a game engine written in C, for C. It uses simple sprites made out of polygons that can be easily drawn in the included utility and handles terminal inputs with ncurses and of course uses my own text-based renderer.

It comes with comprehensive documentation that teaches the very basics and explains the variable formats allowing for more advanced games to work.
MadAsMaths+ - Search Engine Add-On For madasmaths.com
MadAsMaths+ is a search engine addon for Firefox that adds a search bar to MadAsMaths. It is a very basic search algorithm that just finds files containing the supplied word in the query.
My Music
I'm On GitHub!

Get In Touch!

Email: daspeller@daspeller4.xyz