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What is dRive

dRive is a very centralized file hosting service made by me, daspeller4. I was 15 when I made this site, I really don't maintain it anymore so it's likely unreliable and potentially unsafe. dRive has a dumb, mobile-unfriendly, ugly UI, not to deter newbs, just because I'm lazy.

Should I trust dRive with my valuable data assets?

If you are realistically asking this question, the answer is no. The service may shut down, at any moment, at any time and your files may be gone forever. dRive is intended to just be a place to host files so that you can share links to said files, like sharing large videos on Discord. dRive is not scheduled to shut down but considering the current stability of the site, I wouldn't take this as a guarantee.

Update! dRive is scheduled to shut down 1/1/2024


dRive stores your files unencrypted, on an old dying hard-drive, on the floor of my room, on a crappy laptop from 2011, with me having full SSH access to the laptop and your files. I can hypothetically look at your files but I don't since it's too much of a hassle for me, so consider the top secret government documents you store here """"safe"""" (from me.) Your passwords are encrypted using bcrypt and stored on a password protected mySQL DB, your user tokens are regenerated every time you access a new dRive site and are also stored on the DB (unencrypted.)

I forgot my password!!

That is very unfortunate, however it is not my job to remember passwords and I have no set procedure to reset them.